Saturday, November 6, 2010

"God is in the rain."

Without You, I am nothing.

In a world full of people, one can feel so alone.  On my day set out for happiness, I get hurt and thrown into reality.  Reality is that life is unfair.  Life does not give a care which day it is.  It will be unfair and disappointing at its choosing.

By myself, I achieve nothing. 

Ever have a day or week, and think: “I’m doing well.  I’ve gone the whole week without (insert whatever you like here).  My job is going great, blah blah blah.  I am a good person.”  And then the unexpected but somehow expected happens.  You mess up. You get in a fight with the ones you love.  You end up doing that one thing you were proud of yourself for not doing this week.  Want to know why?  By ourselves, we cannot go far.  The individual cannot succeed by himself, or herself.  The musician needs other musicians for influence, and the superstar athlete needs his/her team, or their trainer.

More importantly we cannot succeed without God.  In our own strength we will fail.  Not maybe fail, we will.  The sun needs the moon and the stars and the clouds on its team.  If it was just the sun, well, a whole lot will happen. I wasn’t that great in science, but I can guess that it would be daylight 24/7 and a lot of ecosystems will be destroyed, bats would go crazy, and we humans would never ever get sleep.

Who balances you out?  Still think you can do it on your own?  Who’s strong when you’re weak, and who encourages you if you’re on your own?  Sounds preachy, and this isn’t a Sunday sermon.  It’s a reality check for those who have a God connection tugging inside.

With You, I can do anything.

There’s a great scripture out there that says, “With God, all things are possible.”  Some old preacher didn’t say that, but Christ himself, the most righteous, greatest individual to walk the earth.  And in His life, it showed.  Daily, the God-incarnate Himself would pray and seek strength. 

Whenever you think you got a firm grip on life and think you’re doing fine, take a reality check.  Take a look around, and lower the music on your ipod and realize that He seeks you, wanting to make your life even better.  It starts with a simple, “Ok, God.  I’m listening.”  And then, you remember what it was you forgot.  You start to see the beauty in the trees, in the clouds, in the breath in your lungs, and in the smile from a loved one.